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4-6-10 Finance Subcmte
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Last Updated: 2010/4/7
April 6, 2010 Meeting

Present:  Chairman Ben Spragg, Gary Davis, Kevin Fitzgerald, Chris LaRocque, Dan Amaral
               Jan Andras

Also Present:  First Selectman Pat Llodra, Council Chair Jeff Capeci, Council Vice Chair Mary Ann Jacob, Registrar Lereine Frampton, 4 members of public, John Voket (The Bee) and Hoa Nguyen (Newtown Patch)

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.  in the old Finance Department room, Edmond Town Hall, 55 Main Street, Newtown.

Public Participation:  Ms. Ruby Johnson does not feel that the current CIP process is working and urges the Legislative Council to revise the system.

Mr. Robert Merola sent an e-mail to District 1 Council representatives, which he then read (attached to these minutes).

Acceptance of Minutes:  The minutes of the 3/16/10 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Chairman Spragg advised that he does not plan to discuss all of the items on the agenda tonight – only the Budget.


2010/2011 Budget

Since First Selectman Llodra had to leave the meeting shortly, she reported that she has asked DPW Director Fred Hurley to do further cost analyses on the options of subcontracting street sweeping vs the use of town employee overtime.   In the meantime, the money budgeted for street sweeping will be moved from the DPW operating account into Contingency.    Regarding TAR (Town Aid Road) grant funds, in the amount of $234,000, Ms. Llodra is suggesting that the money be noted as revenue and placed into the Contingency account for accounting and tracking purposes.  This number does not affect the bottom line of the budget.  

Mr. Davis moved that the Finance Committee proposal concerning conditions on budget allocations to specific social service type agencies, as listed on the attached, be forwarded to the full Legislative Council for consideration.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Spragg advised that the 2010/2011 revenue estimates have been adjusted by the Finance Director.  The up to date figures are now on the town website.

There are two further changes to be made to the budget.

  • Ms. Andras moved to increase the BOS Budget Contingency  by $234,000 to reflect the TAR grant funds, which will also be reflected in Revenue.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
  • As per the Board of Assessment Appeals, the Grand List has been reduced by $10 million which translates into an estimated $175,000 loss in tax revenue.   However, Mr. Tait has determined that there is an increase in Prior Year Taxes ($125,000) and in Motor Vehicle Taxes ($50,000) which offset the loss.  Mr. Fitzgerald moved to adjust Revenue to include an increase of $125,000  in Prior Year Taxes and an increase of $50,000 in Motor Vehicle Taxes.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Committee Budget Recommendations
The Public Works Committee recommends moving $45,000 in the Overtime account to Contingency and moving $30,000 in Winter Overtime to Contingency.  This has no effect on the total budget.

The Education Committee recommends the budget as proposed by the Board of Finance.

The Public Safety Committee recommends the proposed Board of Finance numbers.

The Administration Committee recommends no change from the proposed Board of Finance numbers.

Mr. Davis moved that the Finance Committee confirm receiving the recommendations of the committees and present them to the full Legislative Council.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Davis had asked Registrar LeReine Frampton to respond to a request for advisory questions on the ballot.  Ms. Frampton reported that she contacted the Secretary of State’s office who advised that any questions must begin with the word “Shall” and require a “Yes” or “No” response.  Other than that, the town must refer to its Charter.   Mr. Capeci has spoken with the town attorney who will be submitting a written opinion that the Charter allows for a “local question” but not an advisory question.  That would require a Charter change.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Jan Andras
